Contact lenses are sophisticated medical devices that are regulated by the FDA. Patients need to see their eye doctor regularly to confirm that their eyes are healthy and able to wear contact lenses safely. Regular exams help ensure that you are taking full advantage of evolving contact lens technology to best meet your visual needs. If you need a current, updated contact lens prescription, please schedule your eye examination today. You will receive a free pair of trial lenses with your eye exam after we confirm that your eyes are healthy.
Out of Contact Lenses?
Need a new prescription?
The FDA requires that you renew your contact lens prescription annually. If you do not have a current prescription, please schedule your eye exam today. For your convenience, we also offer walk-in hours so that our patients with busy schedules can be seen the same day without a prior appointment. You will receive a free pair of trial lenses with your eye exam after we confirm that your eyes are healthy.
Have a valid prescription?
The Walmart Vision Center carries many brands in stock. You can visit your Walmart Vision Center today to purchase your contact lenses or you can order lenses online at WalmartContacts.com. You may also call 1-800-741-LENS (5367) to order lenses over the phone.

Are Contact Lenses Right for Me?
Do you play sports, have an active job, or simply prefer not to wear glasses? Contact lenses offer a convenient solution to vision correction. Even for patients with more complex visual needs, recent technological advances in lens materials have improved lens comfort and vision quality. We can now fit contact lenses on patients with higher levels of astigmatism and those who need bifocal correction. Even if you have been told in the past that you cannot wear contact lenses, we will be happy to discuss recent technologies that may enable you to enjoy freedom from glasses.
How do you know if you will like wearing contact lenses? During your exam, we put a trial pair of lenses on your eyes so that you can experience how they feel and discover how well you can see without glasses. Then we assess how the lenses fit your eyes to ensure that they are the healthiest choice for you. We also check your vision and make any necessary adjustments to the prescription. After you’ve had a chance to try the lenses, we decide together whether contact lenses are right for you.
Contact Lens Videos
Contacts Overview
Contacts Insertion
Contacts Handling
Contacts Removal